I can't tell you how many times I've been driving down the street and your precious little pooch comes running out in front of my car and you are nowhere to be found. Why do you do this? Would you let your child play on the freeway unattended? I'm guessing no. So why do you think it's okay to let your dog do the same?
I know you think your dog is like your child and it has the sense enough to know not to run in front of cars in the street, but that's not the case. Newsflash...dogs are stupid, even the really smart ones who do tricks and bring in the morning paper. They don't look both ways, they don't cross at the crosswalk, and they don't understand that a tire running over their head will kill them!
So please, dear dog owner, keep your dog on a leash when it's outside because I don't want to have to scrape it up off the road with a shovel in front of your children. Oh, and while I'm at it, don't tie your dog to a tree and leave it outside all alone either because that's animal abuse and I'll call animal control on your ass in a hot second if I see that as well!
Thank you.